Privacy policy
Reasunta Technology s.r.o., that operates the website, consider protection and confidentiality of your personal data as very important. Your personal data are processed and used in accordance with the provisions of Czech legislation (Act no. 110/2019 Coll., on personal data processing) and legislation of the European Union (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council).
Regardless of the above said, we are not able to identify you at the level of a specific natural person based on cookies.
Analytical web tools
These services are marketing tools allowing for offering our services to both new and existing customers. They are provided by Google or Seznam. These services use cookies to function properly.
Sklik, Adwords
Service enabling us to analyze our website. It is made by Google Inc. (“Google”). Information generated during the use of our website is transferred to Google servers where it is subsequently stored. Google uses these data to analyze user behavior on our website and then provides us with such analysis.
Google Analytics
If you use our website, we collect statistical data on your activities, which are further used for improvement of our services.
Statistical data
Cookies can be easily deleted from your computer or another device by means of your browser. For instructions how to handle and delete cookies go to the Help menu of your browser. It is possible that due to deleting the cookies some parts of our website will not be displayed correctly or browsing them may be 5 more difficult for you and you may not be displayed the offer of products corresponding to your personal needs. If you use our website without altering the settings, we will consider it as your consenting to the use of cookies on our website.
How can you refuse the use of cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (computer, mobile device or another device allowing for an access to the internet) used for accessing e-shop. If you don’t delete them when leaving our website, they are used again during your next visits. Cookies are used by us to enhance the functionality of our website and making things easier during your next visit, namely for the following activities:
  • Saving of preferences and settings which make our website function correctly.
  • Login’s and authentication. If you don’t want to keep logging in and logging out, you don’t have to thanks to cookies.
  • Security. We use cookies to detect fraud and abuse of our website.
  • Analyses. We use cookies to collect data for our analytic tools.
  • Marketing. Cookies are used to evaluate our marketing campaigns or to address customers.
  • Social media. You can share some of the content from our website with your friends.
Through internal regulations we have implemented all reasonable measures necessary to maintain appropriate level of security to secure ongoing confidentiality, availability and resilience of processing systems and services and the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in the event of technical incident. In the event of personal data breach, we will take all necessary steps to maintain remedy without any further delay and we will notify the personal data breach to supervisory the authority (Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů), unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to your rights as a data subject. At the same time, we will properly document every personal data breach and measures taken, in order to facilitate a possible control by the supervisory authority.
Personal Data Breach
All personal data obtained from customers and third parties are used exclusively for internal use of the company; we protect them against abuse, and we do not provide them to third parties without prior notice or consent. The only exceptions to the rule above are: external companies providing support services for us, and the state authorities. We may or are obliged to provide your personal data to these entities to the minimum extent, for example, for the following purposes:
  • Data can be transferred to law enforcement authorities in case of investigation of unlawful use of our services or for the needs of court proceedings;
  • Administration of our information systems and applications.

All these service providers (except for public administration authorities) are bound by contracts to process your personal data in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy and the applicable legislation.
Personal data transfer
You give your consent to processing of your personal data entirely voluntarily and it is not a precondition of any performance by Reasunta Technology s.r.o.c
You give your consent voluntarily
You have the natural right to receive information about your data that we process. Likewise, you have the right to have your incorrect or obsolete data corrected or blocked, a right to restrict processing and a right to object to processing. In some cases, you have the right to erasure. We are also obliged to transfer your personal data, upon your request, to your personal data controller/processor of your choice. 3 If you have given us consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of sending commercial messages or solicitation with a potential job offer, you have the option to withdraw such consent at any time. Simply contact us at . You can also use this contact if you would like to ask anything regarding our personal data processing. If you are convinced that we do not treat your data adequately and in compliance with legal regulations, you can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection.
Your rights
We process and retain personal data of customers and third parties for the period strictly necessary to ensure all the rights and obligations arising from the contract, and for the period for which we are required to retain data in accordance with generally binding legal regulations. We process your personal data acquired based on your voluntary consent for the purpose of sending commercial messages for the period for which the consent was granted or until you choose to withdraw your consent.
Period for which we process your personal data
Majority of personal data that we process regarding our customers, suppliers and other business partners are kept in relation to the offer and provision of our services (consultancy in Information Management). In vast majority of cases, this is basic contact information, such as name, surname, telephone and e-mail. Logically, we cannot communicate with you without these data and could not thus ensure performance of our services under a duly concluded contract. Legal regulations and legislation of the Czech Republic also stipulate our obligation to process your personal data in some cases. Typically, it is data retention in line with statutory requirements because of bookkeeping. If you apply for a job, we will process some of your personal data for our use in recruitment so that we could, if need be, sign a contract of employment with you. If you give us consent as a job applicant, we archive the recruitment documentation for the period of 3 years (or longer, in case you extend your consent given to us) for the purposes of potential communication and provision of job offers in relation to our company. 2 We also send commercial messages offering our services and product information to our active customers in line with our interest to always offer customers most up-to-date and top technical solutions. Besides the above-mentioned processing, we also take video footage from our CCTV system. It is because we want to protect our property. These recordings are not actively monitored. They can be used only in case of a security incident as documentary evidence. The retention period for the record for the recording is 48 hours. If there is a reason for longer retention of the record (incident capture), this record will be kept only for the time necessary time until the incident is settled. If you are our potential customer and you have granted consent to us, we process your personal data for the purpose of sending commercial messages, especially e-mail solicitation. All the above-mentioned personal data which are rendered due to our mutual communication and interaction are controlled by our internal system of personal data protection in accordance with applicable legislation. We thus control access to personal data, technical security measures and the period of their existence to a maximum extent.
Which personal data do we process and why?
Personal data controller under national and European legislation is:

Reasunta Technology s.r.o.
registered office: Jílovská 1167/71a, 142 00 Praha 4 Braník
Business ID No.: 28145801, Tax ID No.: CZ28145801.

Should you have any queries regarding processing and protection of your personal data, feel free to contact us by e-mail at:
Personal Data Controller